Meetings Noticeboard

SSPS Autumn Meeting – Glasgow 23-24 November 2018

Autumn Meeting 2018

Meeting Application Page

“Dear All,

This year is the 70th anniversary of SSPS and so for our autumn meeting we are happy to host you in Glasgow at the Royal Hospital for children.  The meeting will start with an education session for all trainees from 0930 (Mr Hetal Patel will confirm location).  We will then open the main meeting with registration and coffee from 1230 in the 3rd floor seminar room in the RHC.  The meeting itself will be held round the corner in the Medicinema.  We have a dinner and ceilidh planned for evening entertainment at Websters, Great Western Road – we would be delighted if friends and family wish to join this to celebrate 70 years of SSPS.  Please fill out the registration form, including titles for presentations, on the website as soon as possible so we can confirm numbers and costs for dinner.  As usual trainees who present at the meeting will have their dinner paid for.  ”

thanks Mairi

Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow
1345 Govan Road
G51 4TF

Please use the SSPS website application page to register your intention to attend the meeting and indicate if you wish to attend the group dinner on Friday night. If you have an abstract to submit please do so at the same time.
We aim to ensure that the meeting is free to those trainees presenting and to those who are members of SSPS.

Very limited, multi-story car parks are for patient use, however if not local staff should be accessible. There is a rough ground car park near the children’s hospital for £4 per day but closes at 10PM on Friday not reopening again until Monday – You have been warned!!!.

Abstract Submission
Please submit the title, authors and a short abstract via the SSPS website application Page
If you wish to discuss any possible presentations then get in touch with local organisers. Meeting Contact Form

Please aim to submit these details by TBC.

Friday 23nd November TBC

Costs for dinner TBA, will be announced at beginning of meeting